0302 429760 / 0302 429762
About Lands Commission
The Lands Commission is established by Article 258 of the 1992 Constitution and the Lands Commission Act, 2008 (Act 767) as a body corporate with perpetual succession, a common seal and may sue and be sued in its corporate name.

The current Lands Commission, as part of the Public Sector Reform Programs and the Land Administration Project, has been substantially remodelled by Act 767 to increase its efficiency and effectiveness.

The Divisions of the Lands Commission under the Act are the Survey and     Mapping Division; the Land Valuation Division; the Land registration Division and the Public and Vested Land.


  • On behalf of the Government, manage public lands and any other lands vested in the President by the Constitution or by any other law and any lands vested in the Commission;
  • Advise the Government, local authorities and traditional authorities on the policy framework for the development of particular areas of the country to ensure that the development of individual pieces of land is coordinated with the relevant development plan for the area concerned;
  • Formulate and submit to Government recommendations on national policy with respect to land use suitability or capability;
  • Advise on, and assist in the execution of, a comprehensive programme for the registration of title to land throughout the country;
  • Establish standards for and regulate survey and mapping of the country;
  • Provide surveying and mapping services where necessary;
  • License practitioners of cadastral survey;
  • Provide land and land related valuation services;
  • Ensure that through sound, sustainable land use planning, socio-economic activities are consistent with sound land use through sustainable land use planning in the long term national development goals;
  • In collaboration with other bodies instill order and discipline into the land market through curbing the incidence of land encroachment, unapproved development schemes, multiple or illegal land sales, land speculation and other forms of land racketeering;
  • In collaboration with other bodies minimize or eliminate, where possible, the sources of protracted land boundary disputes, conflicts and litigations in order to bring their associated economic costs and socio-political upheavals under control;
  • Promote community participation and public awareness at all levels in sustainable land management and development practices to ensure the highest and best use of land;
  • Promote research into all aspects of land ownership, tenure and the operations of the land market and the land development process
  • Impose and collect levies, fees, charges for services rendered;
  • Establish and maintain a comprehensive land information system;
  • Perform other functions the Minister may assign to it.
  • Register deeds and instruments that affect land throughout the country;
  • Facilitate the acquisition of land on behalf of Government;
To provide high quality, reliable and efficient services in geographic information,
guaranteed tenure, property valuation, surveying and mapping through
teamwork and modern technology to our stakeholders
To become a Center of Excellence for Land Services Delivery