The 2-day Emotional Intelligence Workshop for nominated staff held at CSIR ended today 4th November 2021.

The speaker Mr. James Kwasi Addison, an internationally-certified Emotional Intelligence Coach took Management and staff through the importance of emotional intelligence at the workplace and why attention to be paid to emotional intelligence.

He defined Emotional Intelligence as the ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions.

Emotional intelligence also helps us to manage ourselves and other relationships with others and also helps to resolve conflicts and be more successful in both our personal and professional lives.

Again, he emphasized on the seven (7) basic emotions which include anger, fear, sadness, joy, surprise, disgust and contempt which are critical to every individual.

Mr. Addison also added that, we become emotional depending on our shared cultural influences, evolution and our unique individual differences and experiences.

Staff were enthused about these topics and there were a lot of experience sharing, knowledge transfer and opportunity to ask questions.

Mr. Jones Ofori-Boadu, DES(CS), expressed his gratitude to staff for attending the workshop and urged them to make the workplace conducive for clients and their fellow colleagues.

Mr. James Dadson, the Ag. Executive Secretary also thanked Mr. Addison for his extensive explanation on emotional intelligence and promised to engage him often till every staff of the Commission gets to appreciate the importance of Emotional Intelligence.

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