Staff and Management of the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs received comprehensive training on the core mandate of the Lands Commission and some relevant sections of the Land Act on Tuesday, September 12, 2023.
The aim was to equip MCRA employees with knowledge about land administration laws and related matters in the country.
Madam Eunice Opoku (Communications Officer) and Mr. Stephen Tawiah, (Assistant Land Administration Officer), took participants through areas such as land acquisition, the functions of the Lands Commission’s divisions, land documentation and registration, digitalization of the agenda of the Commission and the Land Act.
The goal of the training was to enable MCRA staff to confidently access Lands Commission services, promote transparency, efficiency, and accountability in land acquisition, and reduce land disputes. Participants were also cautioned on due diligence, verifying land ownership, and utilizing online services. Participants also had the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications as well.
The Management of MCRA lauded the Commission for reaching out to them with such useful information. A copy of the Land Act was donated.